Colorado Skiing and Beering

27 Feb

I’m always one for making plans. Combining activities to make a larger agenda is even more down my alley, and I had the perfect opportunity when a friend was having an engagement party in Denver. It so happens that Denver … Read More »

Christmas In Ohio

25 Jan

To seek out more authentic Christmas weather, I made my way up north with Danielle to visit her family in the Buckeye state. Also TIL (or rather Over Christmas I Learned) that a buckeye is a nut produced by the … Read More »

Brittski Guide to Oktoberfest

30 Nov

I recently had the opportunity to check an item off my bucket list by attending Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Leading up to my trip, I read a lot of information and advice around Oktoberfest, some of it useful and some … Read More »

Monterrey Tacos and Beer

16 Nov

TACOS!!! For the first time in a long while, a trip I took had me thinking about something other than beer. Well I thought about beer obviously, but it was not first on my mind. Having lived in New Orleans … Read More »

Bavarian Tour Part II

19 Oct

Hello again! In case you were unaware, this is the second half of my Bavarian adventure. If you missed part one, here it is. Our 3 remaining days in Munich were spent almost entirely at Oktoberfest. While I would love … Read More »

Bavarian Tour Part I

13 Oct

What began as a mere desire to visit Oktoberfest in Munich blossomed into a week long tour of Bavaria, the southernmost German state. The travel plan was originally hatched with a college buddy, but when he could no longer commit … Read More »

Brewsiana Beer Fest 2017

25 Aug

Since I decided to not go to Shelton Fest this year, I did the next best thing possible and attended a local beer fest. Brewsiana was a combo beer / music fest featuring 16+ Louisiana breweries and 7+ local bands. For … Read More »

Nola Red Dress Run 2017

17 Aug

In case you’re not familiar with the concept of Red Dress Run, here you go: wear a red dress and proceed to get slobberknockered with 4,000+ of your new friends. The “run” portion is more of a circuitous strut of … Read More »

Untappd 4 Year Anniversary

31 Jul

I recently celebrated a momentous occasion in my life: my 4th Untappd anniversary! I have yet to get married or have a child, but I can only hope that those experiences are as memorable as spending 4 years meticulously documenting … Read More »